Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

food allergy

little girl who may qualify for SLIT

Can SLIT induce remission in young kiddos with food allergies?

SLIT = Sublingual Immunotherapy. Can it safely and effectively treat food allergies? SLIT is the new kid on the block when it comes to food allergies. To really dive deep on safety and effectiveness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Edwin Kim. Who is Dr. Edwin Kim? Dr. Edwin Kim is a world-renown allergist. […]

Can SLIT induce remission in young kiddos with food allergies? Read More »

Flying and food allergies - airplane wing

Airlines and Food Allergies: My Follow-Up to the Fox Business Article

Flying and Food Allergies – a Polarizing Topic I was recently asked to answer questions about flying and food allergies. The article was published on November 7, 2023, by Fox Business. I was asked about this topic in light of this heartbreaking story. Here is the link to the Fox Business article. In light of […]

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Doctor and mom using shared decision-making to make decision for baby as baby plays with a blocl

Food Allergies and Shared Decision-Making: What Parents Must Know

Shared Decision-Making? What’s that? Shared decision-making is the practice in which patients play active, central roles in making decisions about their own healthcare. Through shared decision-making, patients collaborate with their medical team on management decisions as opposed to simply being told the plan without their input. Why is shared decision-making so important in kiddos with […]

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The Risks of SLIT and OIT in Food Allergy – What You Need to Know

Okay, let’s get to it. What are the risks of OIT and SLIT for kiddos with food allergies? In this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with board-certified allergist and pediatrician, Dr. Sakina Bajawala. Our discussion centered on strategies to enhance safety during food immunotherapies and ways to conquer food allergy fears. We

The Risks of SLIT and OIT in Food Allergy – What You Need to Know Read More »

top 3 food allergy podcast episodes

3 Top Food Allergy Podcast Episodes from Dr. Alice Hoyt in 2022

From OIT to FPIES to all types of food allergies, Dr. Alice Hoyt covered a lot in 2022! Is your favorite food allergy podcast episode on the list?

3 Top Food Allergy Podcast Episodes from Dr. Alice Hoyt in 2022 Read More »

food allergist discusses food allergies

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies

Have you ever wondered what a food allergist is thinking when he or she is asking you so so so many specific questions? And why he or she keeps interrupting you to get very minute details about your kiddo’s story? It’s because the food allergist is trying to determine…

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies Read More »

OIT food allergy mom

Peanut Oral Immunotherapy – The Preschooler’s Mama’s Experience

Hear a mom’s experience with her family’s oral immunotherapy journey!

Peanut Oral Immunotherapy – The Preschooler’s Mama’s Experience Read More »

Disney World Food Allergy

Disney Planning Tips for Families with Food Allergy

Disney and food allergy go together like Mickey and Minnie! If you’ve ever been to Walt Disney World, then you know that a lot of planning goes into those magical memories. If your kiddo has food allergy, then you may also know how accomodating Disney is for dietary differences. And if you have food allergy

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College Prep Food Allergy

5 College-Prep Strategies for Food Allergy Families from FARE’s Kristi Grim

Prepping for college… when should you start thinking about it? (Hint hint: now!) In this episode, Pam and I talk with the amazing Kristi Grim of FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education). Kristi has been with FARE for years and was the original lead and continued director of FARE’s college programming as well as the

5 College-Prep Strategies for Food Allergy Families from FARE’s Kristi Grim Read More »

Food allergy and counseling

De-Stress with Strategies from Tamara Hubbard, LCPC How often do you worry about your kiddo who has food allergy? And have you ever wondered if that amount of worry is “normal” ? Tune in to this episode of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast with me, Dr. Alice Hoyt, and my good friend Pam

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anaphylaxis Allison Rose

Turning anaphylaxis tragedy into purpose

Death from anaphylaxis is rare. But when it happens to your child, the rarity of it doesn’t matter. And how do you move forward? Here is what the Suhy’s do… The Allison Rose Foundation is fighting anaphylaxis. I’m honored to be joined on this episode with Mike and Becca Suhy of the Allison Rose Foundation. Mike

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Food allergy school policies

Schools develop food allergy related policies to try to keep kids safe, but how many of these policies are evidence-based?  And how do policies impact the emotional well-being of kiddos with food allergy? Let’s discuss what’s being investigated in school policies and food allergy! Join me as I talk with my colleague Ashley Lahoud of

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food allergy parent needs

Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs…

When it comes to parenting a kiddo with food allergy, remembering that epi is only one of the many challenges faced. Three common themes amongst parents of kiddos with food allergy. When it comes to food allergy, parents have needs surrounding three themes: anxiety, the need for resources, and the concept that the experience is

Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs… Read More »

School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say?

Kiddos have many challenges growing up in this global era, and, unfortunately, food allergy further complicates things like school and flying. But that where allergists can help provide you with evidence-based information on how to keep your kiddo safe and still lead a happy life! Interview with Dr. Matthew Greeenhawt on School, Flying, and Food

School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say? Read More »

Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social.

Social media is a relatively new world, and just as navigating the “real” world with food allergy can be challenging, navigating social media with allergy can cause its own issues. In theory, social media was intended to be a place where people could connect; however, if misused, it can become a place where kids –

Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social. Read More »

Food allergy and bullying

Bullying comes in many flavors, and when it’s related to your kiddo’s food allergy, it’s even more heart-breaking and can be challenging to address. Bullying a kiddo with food allergy – what to do? I’m delighted to have on the podcast my friend and colleague Jodi Shroba, CPNP, from Children’s Mercy Kansas City Food Allergy Center. Jodi

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Parenting and school preparedness

Co-host of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast has picked her top three favorite posts! Topics Pam selected included parenting and being prepared for a medical emergency at school. Food allergy affects parenting and school life. Pam’s favorite episodes are three really tactical episodes regarding parenting, and school. Tune in to this episode to hear why […]

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Research in treating early food allergy and on preventing anaphylaxis

This past week, I attended the AAAAI meeting. My teams and I presented research posters on treating early food allergy and on treating and preventing anaphylaxis at schools. So we were pretty busy! And, more specifically, we discussed early peanut oral immunotherapy and the heterogeneity of stock epinephrine laws. Treating Food Allergy with Early Peanut

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Food allergy and nutrition strategies

If your kiddo has a food allergy, then you may wonder “Is my Sweet Pea getting enough good nutrition despite the food allergy?” Food allergy and nutrition issues are questions that commonly within families of kiddos with food allergy, so I reached out to world renown food allergy and nutrition expert Carina Venter, PhD, RD, to get

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Organize food allergy test results

Maybe you have thought about this and somewhat organize your kiddo’s food allergy test results in a binder, or maybe you have the results available online. But just like in school when you have a better understanding of things when you write it out yourself, organizing your kiddo’s allergy test results can help you better

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Food allergy testing and immune tolerance

Yep, you read that title right: food allergy testing is not the be all, end all, as it does not tell us about immune tolerance. Did you know that positive skin and/or blood testing does not confirm food allergy is present? This is because food allergy skin testing and food allergy blood testing only tell

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How an allergic reaction really works

Have you ever wondered how an allergic reaction works? Wondered what is going on inside the human body during an allergic reaction? And what allows some people to have an allergic reaction while other people don’t have allergies? These are some of the questions I’m asked by my families of kiddos with food allergy, so […]

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Food challenge safety: what say the data?

The safety of a food challenge is probably the first thing that goes through your mind when your allergist suggests performing a food challenge with your Sweet Pea. You may be thinking, “S/He wants my kiddo to eat ______ even though Sweet Pea may be allergic to it? What if…” That’s completely normal and quite

Food challenge safety: what say the data? Read More »

Most Popular Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast Episodes of 2020

Did your favorite Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast episode make the list? You can find a podcast on so many topics these days, and I’m so glad that you found this podcast and blog on food allergy! I started this blog and the podcast to provide good information on food allergy to families, especially

Most Popular Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast Episodes of 2020 Read More »

Can OIT help your kiddo eat safely at a restaurant?

Oral immunotherapy – OIT – can make kiddos with food allergy like peanut allergy more tolerant of the allergen, but does that tolerance translate into the real world, like when eating at a restaurant? The short answer: yes.  What is OIT? Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is a treatment for food allergy. If your kiddo undergoes OIT,

Can OIT help your kiddo eat safely at a restaurant? Read More »

How to read a medical journal article

Have you ever wanted to read an article from a medical journal the way your doctor reads an article? Doctors learn how to read medical journal articles and other medical resources. The internet has allowed such medical information to be more easily accessible, allowing doctors to stay up-to-date with best practices. This availability of information

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Food allergy prevention in babies

Feeding babies potentially allergenic foods… what does the evidence say about food allergy prevention? Recommendations for when to feed babies certain foods have changed over the years, including recommendations on how on food allergy prevention. You may have had one set of recommendations for one child, then with another child, you had different recommendations! So

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food allergen labeling - cover

Food allergen labeling made easy!

Have you ever attended a party and wished the food had been labeled for allergens? Food allergen labeling is super helpful! Food allergen labeling makes meals taste better. This is because guests with food allergies and other special diet needs feel more confident that the food is safe to enjoy. Labeling foods for allergens can

Food allergen labeling made easy! Read More »

Online food allergy testing

Read this before ordering any “food allergy” testing online! Okay, food allergy mama+papa, let’s talk about online food allergy testing. There is evidence-based testing and NON evidence-based testing, but differentiating between the two can be challenging, even for the most seasoned food allergy parent!  In this episode of the podcast, Pam and I discuss food

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Parenting a Kiddo with Food Allergy

Parenting is hard enough, but with food allergy too? Knowing the kryptonite is a great first step! Y’all, parenting ain’t easy (can I get a high-five, fist-bump, all from at least 6 feet away, of course), and parenting a kiddo with food allergy takes things to another level. You may feel like you are Super Mario

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Gatherings, Parties, and Food Allergy

Gatherings can be stressful, especially when managing food allergies! If your kiddo has food allergies, then gatherings – parties, tailgating, any food-associated get together (which, especially when you’re from the south, is basically any get-together) – can cause stress. You are worried, appropriately so, that your kiddo will eat something to which Sweet Pea is

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Wheat Allergy or Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac or Something Else?

Many folks ask me, “Dr. Hoyt, what’s the difference between a wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease?”  I also get asked, “Is gluten allergy a real thing?” This must be a hot topic because my co-host Pam recently had this discussion with one of her friends, so we decided to chat about it

Wheat Allergy or Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac or Something Else? Read More »

School nurses are allergy superheroes

When you think about what your school nurse does all day, you may think about your kiddo with food allergy (as you should!) and Sweet Pea’s epi auto-injector and action plan.  Or maybe you think of ice packs and bandaids?  Or maybe school health forms and vaccine records come to mind?  School nurses are true

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How School Nurses are Preparing for Back-to-School with COVID

Have you ever wondered how school nurses prepare for your kiddos with food allergy? Especially with COVID, how are school nurses getting ready to help their schools take best possible care of students with food allergies? I was honored to speak with one of my favorite groups of school nurses and provide guidance on this

How School Nurses are Preparing for Back-to-School with COVID Read More »

6 Steps to a Successful Evacuation for Your Family with Food Allergy

Are you wondering how to have a successful evacuation – hurricane, fire, etc. – with your kiddo who has food allergy? If so, then read on. The recent hurricane devastated parts of my home state.  Tragic.  From this, I was inspired to write an infoblog and record an accompanying podcast about evacuation preparedness for families

6 Steps to a Successful Evacuation for Your Family with Food Allergy Read More »

Worried about food allergy and anaphylaxis and NOT having epinephrine? This will help!

Parents of kiddos with food allergy fear anaphylaxis and also that their kiddo won’t have epinephrine. Have you or your kiddo ever forgotten epinephrine? Or left it somewhere that can damage it, like a hot car? Likely, the answer is yes.  So tune in to this episode in which Dr. Hoyt interviews food allergy college

Worried about food allergy and anaphylaxis and NOT having epinephrine? This will help! Read More »

Food allergy and food insecurity – the Food Equality Initiative will help.

This is a special episode. Can you imagine having a child who has food allergy and that food insecurity challenges your household? This may be you. If this is you, take heart in knowing that you are not alone in trying to provide safe food for your family. Emily Brown has been there, come out

Food allergy and food insecurity – the Food Equality Initiative will help. Read More »

Ingestion challenges for babies

A baby can have a peanut allergy, and the peanut challenge procedure determines that diagnosis. You’ve probably heard about doctors recommending babies eat peanut to prevent peanut allergy, and this recommendation differs from that of 20 years ago. At that time, doctors recommended babies avoid this potentially allergenic food. So there were not many ingestion

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Back-To-School Checklist for Kiddos with Food Allergy

This time of year for your kiddo with food allergy is already stressful. Plus, add COVID-19 to the stress of back-to-school, and heavens to Betsy… Where to begin? Here’s a checklist to help you be prepared!  I have been receiving many questions about back-to-school during COVID-19 and how to navigate pandemic-associated school changes in the

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Truths and misconceptions about auto-injectors like EpiPen

Do you know what information is true and what’s not true when it comes to epinephrine from an auto-injector like an EpiPen? EpiPens and other epinephrine auto-injectors can be intimidating. Plus, no one really wants to give or receive an injection of epinephrine. But if your kiddo has a food allergy, chances are you have

Truths and misconceptions about auto-injectors like EpiPen Read More »

Food allergy and the nutrition label

Especially during COVID, it’s important to know where to find your kiddo with food allergy safe by knowing where allergensare listed on a product’s nutrition label. Here’s how to do that. First step: listen to my latest Food Allergy and Your Kiddo podcast. On this show, I interview food allergy advocate Jen Jobrack. We discuss the history of […]

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Mom challenges

Food allergy moms are faced with challenges every day. Things like “do these cookies contain egg” and “I wonder if I should let my Sweet Pea go to that slumber party?” ring in your mind. All this while you also are making sure your kiddo knows to look both ways and take the ear buds

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Food allergy podcast by a board-certified allergist

Demystifying Food Allergy via Podcast I am so excited to demystify food allergy through my new Food Allergy and Your Kiddo podcast! The infoblogcast – infoblog + podcast – is live! I hope you enjoy listening to this first episode of Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast. So, to introduce this podcast, this episode is

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Peanut Allergy Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Palforzia

Peanut allergy has an FDA-approved OIT treatment Peanut allergy affects 2-5% of children. The treatment plan for peanut allergy recommended by most academic allergy centers is avoidance of peanut – perhaps until now. Hello, Palforzia, the only FDA-approved treatment for peanut allergy. Palforzia works through the treatment process called oral immunotherapy (OIT). Read on to learn more […]

Peanut Allergy Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Palforzia Read More »


Early Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)

Early Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (EPOIT) can decrease the severity of peanut allergy in young children. Say what?! Let’s discuss early peanut oral immunotherapy (EPOIT). “So let me get this straight: she’s allergic to peanut. But if we slowly start giving her tiny amounts of peanut, her allergy can decrease?“ Baby Sweetpea’s mom asked her allergist.

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