Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

food challenge

Food challenge safety: what say the data?

The safety of a food challenge is probably the first thing that goes through your mind when your allergist suggests performing a food challenge with your Sweet Pea. You may be thinking, “S/He wants my kiddo to eat ______ even though Sweet Pea may be allergic to it? What if…” That’s completely normal and quite

Food challenge safety: what say the data? Read More »

Food allergy prevention in babies

Feeding babies potentially allergenic foods… what does the evidence say about food allergy prevention? Recommendations for when to feed babies certain foods have changed over the years, including recommendations on how on food allergy prevention. You may have had one set of recommendations for one child, then with another child, you had different recommendations! So

Food allergy prevention in babies Read More »

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