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food allergist discusses food allergies

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies

Have you ever wondered what a food allergist is thinking when he or she is asking you so so so many specific questions? And why he or she keeps interrupting you to get very minute details about your kiddo’s story? It’s because the food allergist is trying to determine…

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies Read More »

happy mom and son eczema and food allergies

Eczema and Food Allergies: Further Clarifying the Connections

There’s absolutely a strong connection between eczema and food allergies, and that connection may not be what you think it is! Read this post to learn how these two conditions are related…

Eczema and Food Allergies: Further Clarifying the Connections Read More »

Do food allergies cause eczema? Here are the facts!

Food allergies are a hot topic right now. There seems to be a new food allergy every day, and many people are wondering if food allergies cause eczema. The answer is no – food allergies do not cause eczema. However, atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a risk factor for developing food allergies. In this blog post,

Do food allergies cause eczema? Here are the facts! Read More »

What are non-IgE-mediated food allergies, like FPIES and FPIAP?

Do you know what non-IgE-mediated food allergies are? If not, you’re not alone. Many people have never heard of food allergies that are not mediated by IgE. Examples include FPIES, FPE, and FPIAP. These types of food allergies are different from the more-common IgE-mediated food allergies. In this article, we will describe non-IgE-mediated food allergies

What are non-IgE-mediated food allergies, like FPIES and FPIAP? Read More »

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