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Dr. Alice Hoyt and Rep. Stephanie Hilferty advocate for stock epinephrine legislation for early childhood centers.

UPDATE! Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition

Stock epinephrine and anaphylaxis training save lives. But do all states permit early childcare centers to stock epinephrine or even require center staff know how to prevent recognize, and respond to anaphylaxis? No. But now Louisiana does!

UPDATE! Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition Read More »

Dr. Alice Hoyt and Rep. Stephanie Hilferty discusses with the media why stock epinephrine legislation for early childhood centers is critical.

Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition

Stock epinephrine is epinephrine prescribed to an entity, such as a school, to be used in an allergy emergency. Epinephrine is the medication that stops and treats the life-threatening allergic reaction “anaphylaxis.” Some young children…

Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition Read More »

Truths and misconceptions about auto-injectors like EpiPen

Do you know what information is true and what’s not true when it comes to epinephrine from an auto-injector like an EpiPen? EpiPens and other epinephrine auto-injectors can be intimidating. Plus, no one really wants to give or receive an injection of epinephrine. But if your kiddo has a food allergy, chances are you have

Truths and misconceptions about auto-injectors like EpiPen Read More »

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