Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

Food Allergy Treatment and Management

little girl who may qualify for SLIT

Can SLIT induce remission in young kiddos with food allergies?

SLIT = Sublingual Immunotherapy. Can it safely and effectively treat food allergies? SLIT is the new kid on the block when it comes to food allergies. To really dive deep on safety and effectiveness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Edwin Kim. Who is Dr. Edwin Kim? Dr. Edwin Kim is a world-renown allergist. […]

Can SLIT induce remission in young kiddos with food allergies? Read More »

Doctor and mom using shared decision-making to make decision for baby as baby plays with a blocl

Food Allergies and Shared Decision-Making: What Parents Must Know

Shared Decision-Making? What’s that? Shared decision-making is the practice in which patients play active, central roles in making decisions about their own healthcare. Through shared decision-making, patients collaborate with their medical team on management decisions as opposed to simply being told the plan without their input. Why is shared decision-making so important in kiddos with […]

Food Allergies and Shared Decision-Making: What Parents Must Know Read More »

The Risks of SLIT and OIT in Food Allergy – What You Need to Know

Okay, let’s get to it. What are the risks of OIT and SLIT for kiddos with food allergies? In this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with board-certified allergist and pediatrician, Dr. Sakina Bajawala. Our discussion centered on strategies to enhance safety during food immunotherapies and ways to conquer food allergy fears. We

The Risks of SLIT and OIT in Food Allergy – What You Need to Know Read More »

Food Allergy Informed Parent image

How to be a Food Allergy-Informed Parent

Do you ever wonder if you’re doing all the right things to be the best food allergy parent you can be? We hear ya! Now on the podcast, Dr. Hoyt and Pam dive in to how you can be an amazing parent to your kiddo with food allergies! And you know we love lists… So […]

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Dr. Hoyt teaches schools about epipens and anaphylaxis

Stock EpiPens for Schools… for FREE!

Are you a mom, dad, teacher, or school nurse who worries about being prepared for an allergy emergency? On top of already managing daily kiddo responsibilities such as teaching kids, nurturing them, and making sure they’re safe, the last thing you want to worry about is your school not being prepared for a severe allergic

Stock EpiPens for Schools… for FREE! Read More »

This image depicts a mom hugging her son, representing her love for him and their preparation for their food allergy appointment after an allergic reaction.

After the Reaction: How to Be Prepared for Your Food Allergy Appointment

After a food allergy reaction, that food allergy appointment can’t come soon enough. Here are strategies for navigating that time period to decrease anxiety!

After the Reaction: How to Be Prepared for Your Food Allergy Appointment Read More »

top 3 food allergy podcast episodes

3 Top Food Allergy Podcast Episodes from Dr. Alice Hoyt in 2022

From OIT to FPIES to all types of food allergies, Dr. Alice Hoyt covered a lot in 2022! Is your favorite food allergy podcast episode on the list?

3 Top Food Allergy Podcast Episodes from Dr. Alice Hoyt in 2022 Read More »

screen-free activities cover image

Fun, Screen-Free Activities for Kiddos During Long Appointments

Doctors’ appointments can be long, especially allergy appointments. Skin testing, ingestion challenges, and oral immunotherapy (OIT) can take time, so Pam and Dr. Hoyt interviewed Dr. Betty Choi for her fun, screen-free strategies to keeping her kiddos entertained.

Fun, Screen-Free Activities for Kiddos During Long Appointments Read More »

OIT child happy

Oral immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy – for your kiddo?

Like many parents of kiddos with food allergies, this disease may cause you much anxiety, and you’ve wished there was a way to help keep your kiddo safe. Oral immunotherapy (OIT) and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) may be options, but who are good candidates for these treatments?

Oral immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy – for your kiddo? Read More »

food allergist discusses food allergies

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies

Have you ever wondered what a food allergist is thinking when he or she is asking you so so so many specific questions? And why he or she keeps interrupting you to get very minute details about your kiddo’s story? It’s because the food allergist is trying to determine…

Inside the Mind of a Food Allergist: Types of Food Allergies Read More »

happy mom and son eczema and food allergies

Eczema and Food Allergies: Further Clarifying the Connections

There’s absolutely a strong connection between eczema and food allergies, and that connection may not be what you think it is! Read this post to learn how these two conditions are related…

Eczema and Food Allergies: Further Clarifying the Connections Read More »

3 Back-to-School Strategies for Food Allergy Families

Back-to-school time can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for food allergy families. Meeting new teachers and starting new classes can be stressful enough, but add food allergy management to the mix, and the worry factor can jump ten-fold. But rest easy! Food allergy mom Pam Lestage and food allergist Dr. Hoyt recently discussed their three simple strategies to an awesome back-to-school. Check out this episode of the podcast for all the details, but here is an overview!

3 Back-to-School Strategies for Food Allergy Families Read More »

Top 3 Tips for an Awesome Summer with Food Allergies

Summertime is a time for fun in the sun, but for families managing food allergies, summer can also be a time of anxiety. But don’t worry – you’ve got this! We’ve got your back with our top three tips for having an awesome summer with food allergies.

Top 3 Tips for an Awesome Summer with Food Allergies Read More »

The Allergists Talk Oral Immunotherapy – OIT – for Food Allergies

OIT is a treatment for food allergies, but how does it really work? And who is and is not a candidate? Dr. Hoyt discusses all things OIT and food allergies with her colleague and fellow OIT allergist Dr. Hugh Windom.

The Allergists Talk Oral Immunotherapy – OIT – for Food Allergies Read More »

Seasonal allergies have met their match with Dr. Hoyt’s allergy regimen!

Seasonal allergies can make you feel seriously bad. But don’t let those itchy drippy sneezy symptoms get you down! Check out Dr. Hoyt’s own seasonal allergies treatment regimen and ask your doctor if this may be right for you!

Seasonal allergies have met their match with Dr. Hoyt’s allergy regimen! Read More »

Allergy Versus Immune Tolerance

In food allergy, the immune system is like a playground. The balance of allergy and immune tolerance is like a see-saw. Food allergy is not just the activation of allergy cells by a food. Food allergy is the lack of…

Allergy Versus Immune Tolerance Read More »

Children with Celiac Disease and other food issues can have happy, healthy lives.

Celiac Disease: What It Is and Isn’t and What To Do About It

Celiac disease is a condition that affects millions of people all over the world. Still, it often is misunderstood. Celiac Disease is not a “wheat allergy” or a “gluten sensitivity.” Celiac Disease is an inappropriate immune response to gluten. If left untreated, it can have serious consequences. In this article, we will break discuss: What […]

Celiac Disease: What It Is and Isn’t and What To Do About It Read More »

Do food allergies cause eczema? Here are the facts!

Food allergies are a hot topic right now. There seems to be a new food allergy every day, and many people are wondering if food allergies cause eczema. The answer is no – food allergies do not cause eczema. However, atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a risk factor for developing food allergies. In this blog post,

Do food allergies cause eczema? Here are the facts! Read More »

What is EOE and what role does IgE play in this food allergy?

Has your kiddo been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis, also called EOE? If so, then you may be wondering what this really means. EOE is a food allergy disorder that causes inflammation of the esophagus. An eosinophil is a type of allergy cell, and the esophagus is the swallowing tube that connects the mouth to the

What is EOE and what role does IgE play in this food allergy? Read More »

What are non-IgE-mediated food allergies, like FPIES and FPIAP?

Do you know what non-IgE-mediated food allergies are? If not, you’re not alone. Many people have never heard of food allergies that are not mediated by IgE. Examples include FPIES, FPE, and FPIAP. These types of food allergies are different from the more-common IgE-mediated food allergies. In this article, we will describe non-IgE-mediated food allergies

What are non-IgE-mediated food allergies, like FPIES and FPIAP? Read More »

What are IgE-mediated, life-threatening food allergies?

Did you know that food allergies can be life-threatening? It’s true. In fact, anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can occur when someone eats a food to which they are allergic. In most cases, the type of food allergy that is life-threatening is IgE-mediated food allergy. In this article, we will discuss IgE-mediated food

What are IgE-mediated, life-threatening food allergies? Read More »

Can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes? Here’s the answer!

Does your kiddo ever have swollen lymph nodes? Do you wonder if food allergies or seasonal allergies or pet allergies are to blame? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common question that many parents consider, especially during the spring when allergies can be at their worst. In this post, we will answer that […]

Can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes? Here’s the answer! Read More »

picture of red ring pop with child in background

Are Ring Pops Gluten-Free? How to Determine if Snacks are Safe!

Have you ever wondered if Ring Pops are gluten-free? Or maybe you’ve wondered if Saf-T-Pops are indeed safe for your kiddo with peanut allergy? When it comes to determining whether a food is safe for someone with a food allergy, food intolerance, or specific diet, there are three steps to success. Step 1. Know what

Are Ring Pops Gluten-Free? How to Determine if Snacks are Safe! Read More »

Dr. Alice Hoyt and Rep. Stephanie Hilferty discusses with the media why stock epinephrine legislation for early childhood centers is critical.

Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition

Stock epinephrine is epinephrine prescribed to an entity, such as a school, to be used in an allergy emergency. Epinephrine is the medication that stops and treats the life-threatening allergic reaction “anaphylaxis.” Some young children…

Stock Epinephrine and the Laws that Support It: Louisiana Edition Read More »

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