Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

November 2023

Flying and food allergies - airplane wing

Airlines and Food Allergies: My Follow-Up to the Fox Business Article

Flying and Food Allergies – a Polarizing Topic I was recently asked to answer questions about flying and food allergies. The article was published on November 7, 2023, by Fox Business. I was asked about this topic in light of this heartbreaking story. Here is the link to the Fox Business article. In light of […]

Airlines and Food Allergies: My Follow-Up to the Fox Business Article Read More »

Doctor and mom using shared decision-making to make decision for baby as baby plays with a blocl

Food Allergies and Shared Decision-Making: What Parents Must Know

Shared Decision-Making? What’s that? Shared decision-making is the practice in which patients play active, central roles in making decisions about their own healthcare. Through shared decision-making, patients collaborate with their medical team on management decisions as opposed to simply being told the plan without their input. Why is shared decision-making so important in kiddos with

Food Allergies and Shared Decision-Making: What Parents Must Know Read More »

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