Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

January 2021

Food allergy testing and immune tolerance

Yep, you read that title right: food allergy testing is not the be all, end all, as it does not tell us about immune tolerance. Did you know that positive skin and/or blood testing does not confirm food allergy is present? This is because food allergy skin testing and food allergy blood testing only tell

Food allergy testing and immune tolerance Read More »

How an allergic reaction really works

Have you ever wondered how an allergic reaction works? Wondered what is going on inside the human body during an allergic reaction? And what allows some people to have an allergic reaction while other people don’t have allergies? These are some of the questions I’m asked by my families of kiddos with food allergy, so […]

How an allergic reaction really works Read More »

Goal-setting strategies for an amazing new year

New Year’s resolutions can be stressful, right? Sometimes they seem so pass-fail that you avoid making one at all. That stress often comes from not having goal-setting strategies to help you get from your point A to point B. Does that sound like you? Or maybe you think you may have over-committed to your resolution

Goal-setting strategies for an amazing new year Read More »

Food challenge safety: what say the data?

The safety of a food challenge is probably the first thing that goes through your mind when your allergist suggests performing a food challenge with your Sweet Pea. You may be thinking, “S/He wants my kiddo to eat ______ even though Sweet Pea may be allergic to it? What if…” That’s completely normal and quite

Food challenge safety: what say the data? Read More »

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