Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

February 2021

5 Steps to Medical Emergency Planning at School

Medical emergencies can be scary and even scarier at school, but planning a response may seem daunting. So how can your kiddo’s school start to be prepared ? Medical emergencies happen, so response planning is critical When you think of emergencies at schools, fire drills and intruder alerts probably come to mind, and these are

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Food allergy and nutrition strategies

If your kiddo has a food allergy, then you may wonder “Is my Sweet Pea getting enough good nutrition despite the food allergy?” Food allergy and nutrition issues are questions that commonly within families of kiddos with food allergy, so I reached out to world renown food allergy and nutrition expert Carina Venter, PhD, RD, to get

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Organize food allergy test results

Maybe you have thought about this and somewhat organize your kiddo’s food allergy test results in a binder, or maybe you have the results available online. But just like in school when you have a better understanding of things when you write it out yourself, organizing your kiddo’s allergy test results can help you better

Organize food allergy test results Read More »

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