Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

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food allergy parent needs

Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs…

When it comes to parenting a kiddo with food allergy, remembering that epi is only one of the many challenges faced. Three common themes amongst parents of kiddos with food allergy. When it comes to food allergy, parents have needs surrounding three themes: anxiety, the need for resources, and the concept that the experience is

Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs… Read More »

School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say?

Kiddos have many challenges growing up in this global era, and, unfortunately, food allergy further complicates things like school and flying. But that where allergists can help provide you with evidence-based information on how to keep your kiddo safe and still lead a happy life! Interview with Dr. Matthew Greeenhawt on School, Flying, and Food

School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say? Read More »

Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social.

Social media is a relatively new world, and just as navigating the “real” world with food allergy can be challenging, navigating social media with allergy can cause its own issues. In theory, social media was intended to be a place where people could connect; however, if misused, it can become a place where kids –

Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social. Read More »

School nurses are allergy superheroes

When you think about what your school nurse does all day, you may think about your kiddo with food allergy (as you should!) and Sweet Pea’s epi auto-injector and action plan.  Or maybe you think of ice packs and bandaids?  Or maybe school health forms and vaccine records come to mind?  School nurses are true

School nurses are allergy superheroes Read More »

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