Your source for tactical, family-focused, evidence-based food allergy information.

seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies have met their match with Dr. Hoyt’s allergy regimen!

Seasonal allergies can make you feel seriously bad. But don’t let those itchy drippy sneezy symptoms get you down! Check out Dr. Hoyt’s own seasonal allergies treatment regimen and ask your doctor if this may be right for you!

Seasonal allergies have met their match with Dr. Hoyt’s allergy regimen! Read More »

Can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes? Here’s the answer!

Does your kiddo ever have swollen lymph nodes? Do you wonder if food allergies or seasonal allergies or pet allergies are to blame? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common question that many parents consider, especially during the spring when allergies can be at their worst. In this post, we will answer that […]

Can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes? Here’s the answer! Read More »

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